Call for contributions: Wellcome Image Awards 2016

The call for contributions for the Wellcome Image Awards 2016 is now open. The deadline is 9 September 2015, and all submitted images will be considered for the Awards, to be held in March 2016.

First held in 1997, the Wellcome Image Awards are organised each year to celebrate the best science-imaging talent and techniques. The winning images will be exhibited in galleries and science centres throughout the UK and around the world.

Wellcome Images is always on the lookout for high-quality imagery that relates to biomedical science and contemporary healthcare. Its collections cover all artistic media and imaging techniques, from hand-drawn illustrations to super-resolution microscopy and functional MRI scans. Placing images in a picture library such as Wellcome Images is an excellent way for researchers and scientists to engage with the public and to increase understanding of their work. The Wellcome Image Awards are an opportunity to celebrate both the aesthetic beauty of scientific images, and the range of incredible techniques used to create them.

The 2016 Awards will also see the launch of the Julie Dorrington Award for outstanding clinical photography. The award is named in honour of Julie who joined what was then the Wellcome Medical Photo Library in 1993, and spent 12 years at the Trust working to triple the number of clinical images held in the picture library and digitised for use in teaching, medical education and research. Her work was instrumental in making Wellcome Images one of the most comprehensive collections of clinical images in the world.

With the Julie Dorrington Award, Wellcome Images have chosen to highlight the practice of clinical photography, honouring Julie’s contribution to Wellcome as well as the clinical photography profession and the service that it provides to medicine and medical education. Wellcome Images therefore invites submissions of professional-quality clinical photography; images will be judged on their quality, the techniques used and the educational value of the image.

The deadline for submissions to the 2016 Wellcome Image Awards is 09 September 2015.

Wellcome Images is a leading image resource used by broadcasters, publishers and academics across the world. Contributors retain copyright, earn royalties and are fully acknowledged when their images are published or broadcast.

For more information about how to submit images to the collection, contact Sabrina Taner on

Information about previous winners and the next Awards is available on the Wellcome Image Awards website. More information about the picture library and collection can be found on the Wellcome Images website.