Knowledge Quarter Return to Work Survey
The Knowledge Quarter has published its findings from its Return to Work Survey of over 500 people who work in and commute to the KQ area. The survey covers whether people have moved due to the pandemic, what their remote working patterns will be in the future and how remote working will impact their attendance of local events.

The Knowledge Quarter’s Start-up Ecosystem
In 2019, with support from UCL, the Knowledge Quarter undertook a survey of the start-up ecosystem around King’s Cross.

Knowledge Quarter Local Audience Insight
The Knowledge Quarter has published its findings from our survey of over 550 local audience members into visiting cultural venues within the KQ.

Healthy Ageing: A snapshot of research and innovation in the Knowledge Quarter
This report describes the contributions of London’s Knowledge Quarter to the Ageing Society
Grand Challenge of the UK Government Industrial Strategy (2017).

KQ 2025 – Strategy
An outline of our strategy to 2025.

Knowledge Quarter Science and Innovation Audit
A Science and Innovation Audit Report sponsored by the Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy.

Knowledge Quarter Science and Innovation Audit: Summary report
Summary of the Science and Innovation Audit Report sponsored by the Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy.

Essays 2018
A fascinating set of essays written by KQ partners, commissioned to celebrate the three year anniversary of Knowledge Quarter.

Annual Review 2017
Knowledge Quarter Annual Review 2017.

Connections & Trust within the Knowledge Quarter
Research conducted to gain a better understanding of the networks that have begun to emerge, and how they contribute to new personal connections and relationships of trust.

Report Of The Public Realm Charrette: Phoenix Road And Randell’s Road
This report summarises the charrettes that took place on 20th/21st September 2016 at the Digital Catapult in the Euston Road where the two streets, Phoenix Road and Randell’s Road were discussed in detail.

Rise of the machines: opportunities and challenges in machine learning
The Knowledge Quarter brought together a group of academics, government representatives, philosophers and industry leaders to discuss the impact of Machine Learning, its future economic and social impact on society.